Hi, I am Arib Alam, a Third Year Undergraduate Student from IIT Kharagpur
I am always driven towards making end-user softwares that affects the general public. I am a Full Stack Web Developer. My recent web application 'Sarathi' aims at helping people to find travel groups.
I am currently exploring the field of Artificial Intelligence and extremely fascinated by the possibilities it has to offer. I have completed courses in Machine Learning/Deep Learning offered in Coursersa and have a couple of projects for the same.
NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB
A progressive web application for our college students to create or join travel groups and share rides.
Hand Sign Recognition using Deep Neural Network
TensorFlow, Numpy, MatplotLib
A Deep Neural Network model to recognize hand signs trained with 1080 images of hand signs.
Building Neural Networks
Python, Numpy, MatplotLib
Implementation of Deep Neural Networks using Numpy and Improving the model by application of modern techniques and Hyperparameter Tuning.
Graph Visualization Software
Python, PyQt Framework
A GUI application for graph construction and processing with options to save or open graph files as well as applying graph algorithms on it.
Lawbranian, Search Engine for the Law
Python, Flask, React, Spacy, Neo4J, ElasticsSearch
A web application that serves as a search engine for legal systems. Added features of applying filters as well as getting short summaries and related documents.
Data Compression using Burrows Wheeler
Java, Algorithms and Data Structures
A data compression algorithm that uses Move-To-Front encoding and Burrows Wheeler transform to create character sequences favourable for achieving high compression ratios using Huffman Encoding.
Seam Carving
Java, Algorithms and Data Structures
A content-aware image resizing technique that uses Topological Sorting to find seams of minimum total energy which is then removed to reduce the size of image.
A Python application that downloads daily Bing Images and periodically sets it as the Home Screen Wallpaper.